Grace in the Wilderness

Originally titled this blog “Wanderings in the Wilderness”, inspired by my quiet time in Deuteronomy 2 last February 2, 2023, then eventually changed it to emphasize “Grace”.

Taiwan, November 2023

I consider myself a sojourner who always goes from one wilderness to another yet with the hope that I will not stay there forever and I, too, will reach my promised land. My purpose for this blog is to write about my journey, starting from the ones I have kept in my journals from 2021 until the present. I hope that it could serve as an encouragement to readers who are also going through wilderness and that my encounters will give some guidance on how to go through it steadfastly and joyfully by the grace of God.

To share a glimpse of that grace, I’ll tell you the story of how this domain was redeemed. I used to own from around 2012 when I was building my design portfolio and starting my digital design career. It was live until 2018 when the provider abandoned it without my knowledge and to my dismay, my domain was bought by a Chinese betting site. I got so frustrated and thought of buying it from them, but I did not want to pay a hefty amount for it and support something illegal. (Thankfully, I kept a copy of all my designs and content.) I stopped blogging since, but in 2019, I had the desire to blog again and brought it up to my discipleship group sisters who recommended that I instead buy a new domain for a new start. However, something in me wanted to keep this domain and I knew that God wouldn’t let my name be tainted by something that doesn’t represent Him. So I prayed and surrendered the website while also thinking of new domain names in case all hope is lost for the old one.

Around 2022, I had the urge to revisit the domain and check the expiry. It kept being bought for a few months until one day, I saw it nearing the expiry date and was still not renewed. Long story short, I bought the domain (January 2023) and here we are! I’ve had it for a year but only started to write today, March 10, 2024, because I already have an idea of which direction I’m taking for this website.

God is good, and I want to share the same grace I received so I made a commitment that I will use this as a vessel to write about His love and faithfulness as long as I am still here. 🙂

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